
January 2017 Partner Blog Roundup

At Mitel, we’re fortunate to work with an incredible partner community full of deep, diverse expertise. So, each month, we’re going to share some of that expertise by highlighting partner blog posts about the business communications topics relevant to modern IT pros.

Bluetooth Mesh Network Promoting the Development of the Internet of Things (IoT)

By Arrow

Transmission distance limitation is a common problem for the existing wireless networks: if it is necessary to transmit the information over a longer distance, a larger power is required, i.e., more power will be consumed. This is a technical bottleneck for the IoT that requires minimizing the power consumption. A new Bluetooth Mesh Network technology will solve the problems of transmission distance versus power consumption to bring new opportunities for the IoT development.

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5 Ways to Manage Your Business While on Vacation

by Frontier Business Edge

It’s not easy taking a vacation when you have a business to run. Few business owners enjoy micromanaging their employees, but it’s hard to disconnect and not worry about day-to-day operations. Vacations help you de-stress and clear your mind. They won’t do you much good if you spend your days responding to emails. Even if you can’t avoid work entirely, these five tips will help you manage your business while still enjoying your vacation.

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Enabling Technology for Air Transportation Control Rooms

by Black Box

In control rooms, the amount of information consolidated, displayed, and evaluated is large and growing. To make operators more efficient and enable better decisions, they need to access and visualize multiple data streams and video sources. Multiple enabling technologies can improve collaboration across multiple operators in a control room and improve individual operator efficiency. Find out how.

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Making the Leap from File Sharing to Collaboration


The evolution of cloud-based file sharing toward full-blown collaboration services started with shifts in the way we work. How we work has changed; where we work has changed; and the devices we work on have changed. The consumerization of IT and the idea of people bringing their personal devices such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks into the office fundamentally changes things.

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