In this four-part series, Matthew Clare discusses four technical mistakes companies make when building their customer experience strategies, and how your business can avoid them. In Part 4 Matthew addresses some of the mistakes businesses make when planning for the future.
From the Video
Hi, I'm Matt Clare, product manager for Mitel's contact center portfolio. Today I'm going to finish up our blog series by talking to you a little bit about some of the technical mistakes that businesses make when mapping out a new contact center implementation or further developing their customer experience strategy. In our last video, we looked at common mistakes around your customer, internal, and technology touch-points.
In this final video in our series we'll look specifically at the future considerations that companies often fail to take in to account and need to be considering as part of their overall customer experience strategy.
The first thing I want to touch on today is the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices. Many businesses around the globe are already starting to see the value of implementing IoT devices to better monitor, support and provide great experiences to customers. This is another reason that contact centers and customer-centric companies should really be considering an open workflow engine as part of their overall solution.
So how does customer experience even work with IoT, what's this all mean? Well, it's pretty simple if you have the right tools in place. The contact center solution should ingest events from APIs provided by the connected IoT devices. Once an alarm is ingested, it can be routed, trigger contact center type events in real-time based on routing workflows.
The end result: businesses get to proactively engage with their customers for support and services. The opportunity to leverage connected devices as part of your overall customer experience strategy is huge, with 50 million devices around the world now being forecasted by analysts. So it's really important that you're considering this now as opposed to post-purchase or post-deployment, when it may be too difficult for you to integrate IoT in to your overall customer experience strategy and contact center routing workflows.
The second future consideration I want to discuss today is availability. Every business knows that downtime is costly. The loss of agent availability and productivity, the inability to close new customer transactions, and the potential damage that an outage has on the reputation of your business, all of these contribute to overall revenue loss. Because of this, availability is imperative to your next-generation contact center and overall customer experience strategy.
Whether you're looking at an on-site, hybrid or purely cloud-based contact center solution, there really is a wide variety of availability options available to you. So it's important that you know and understand the cost of an outage up front on your business before you make a purchase decision and deploy your solution. Adding availability to your contact center is much easier to do up front as opposed to an afterthought. Industry research shows that outages are going to occur, so you really need to plan ahead and ensure you're set up to keep your contact center productive during these events.
So in closing, as you're preparing your new contact center deployment, or you're transitioning to be a customer experience-centric organization, it's really important that you understand all of these technical mistakes that companies often make when mapping out their contact center implementation. Ensuring you don't isolate your contact center technology from other commonly used applications or business productivity systems, underestimate your future needs or fail to consider the impacts of emerging technologies like IoT device integrations, as well as considering availability needs. All of this will ensure a much more seamless transition to a next-gen contact center, which is a core component of any modern customer-centric organization.